What is the Timetracking Log in TaskPilot?

What is the Timetracking Log in TaskPilot?

The Timetracking log records all contractor time-related activities, helping managers monitor work and ensure accuracy.

The Timetracking log in TaskPilot is a comprehensive record of all time-related activities performed by contractors using the TaskPilot mobile app. This log provides a detailed history of actions such as when contractors start tasks, take breaks, and finish their workday. It serves as a valuable tool for administrators and managers to monitor and analyze work patterns, ensuring that all time-tracking data is accurately recorded and easily accessible.

To view the Timetracking log in TaskPilot, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to TaskPilot: Use your credentials to access your TaskPilot account.

  2. Navigate to the Administration Tab: On the left side menu bar, click on the Administration tab.

  3. Select Timetracking Log: From the dropdown menu under the Administration tab, choose the Timetracking log option.

Once you’ve accessed the Timetracking log, you’ll see a complete list of all entries made by contractors. This log allows you to:

  • Filter by Date: Narrow down the entries to a specific time period.
  • Search by Employee: Find specific contractor records by searching their email.
  • Sort Entries: Organize the data by user, action type, start time, or finish time.

The Timetracking log is an essential feature in TaskPilot for maintaining transparency and control over time management. By providing a clear view of contractors' time-tracking activities, it ensures accuracy and efficiency in tracking work hours. Use the filtering and sorting options to quickly find the information you need, keeping your team’s time management on track.