How to Use Issue Reports in TaskPilot

How to Use Issue Reports in TaskPilot

Issue reports in TaskPilot keep managers informed of obstacles contractors face, enabling quick resolution of problems.

Issue reports in TaskPilot are a vital tool for managers to stay informed about obstacles that contractors face during their tasks. These reports, sent by contractors directly from the TaskPilot mobile app, provide valuable insights into any problems encountered, allowing managers to address and resolve issues promptly. 

When a contractor submits an issue report, it appears on the Issue Reports page of the manager's platform, and managers receive a notification. This feature ensures that any barriers to task completion are communicated efficiently, fostering a smooth workflow.

Navigating to the Issue Reports Page

To access and manage issue reports in TaskPilot, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to TaskPilot: Begin by logging in to your TaskPilot account using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Issue Reports Tab: On the left-hand side menu bar, find and click on the Workflow tab. From the dropdown menu under the Workflow tab, select Issue Reports.

The Issue Reports page provides several tools to help you filter, sort, and interact with the reports:

  • Filter by Date, Time, and Type: Use the filtering options to narrow down the reports based on specific dates, times, or types of issues. This allows you to focus on reports that are most relevant to your current needs.
  • Sort by Impact: Click on the relevant column to sort reports by their impact level. This helps you prioritize which issues require immediate attention.

Reviewing and Responding to Reports

When you hover over a specific report, two icons will appear:

  • Edit Button: Clicking the edit button opens a pop-up modal with more details about the reported issue. In this modal, you can view a comprehensive description of the problem, including any notes or attachments provided by the contractor. Additionally, you can leave a comment in response. Once you add a comment, the contractor will receive a notification with your feedback or instructions, facilitating clear communication.
  • Delete Button: The delete button allows you to remove a report from the list. This option is useful for clearing resolved issues or removing reports that may no longer be relevant.

Effectively managing issue reports in TaskPilot is crucial for maintaining a smooth workflow and addressing contractor concerns promptly. For more tips on how to optimize your TaskPilot experience, be sure to explore our additional resources and guides.