How to Take a Break in the TaskPilot App

How to Take a Break in the TaskPilot App

Taking a break with TaskPilot is easy. Pause your work timer and track your break time, whether for lunch or rest.

Taking a break during your workday is simple with the TaskPilot app. Whether you need to step away for lunch or take a quick breather, you can easily pause your work timer and track your break time. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log in to Your TaskPilot App: Open the TaskPilot app and log in with your credentials.

  2. Access the Dashboard: Tap the Dashboard icon located in the bottom navigation bar.

  3. Take a Break: On the Dashboard, you’ll see a green bar at the top, indicating that your work timer is running. Tap on this green bar, and a modal window will appear. In the modal window, tap on the "Take a Break" button. Once you do this, the green bar will turn yellow, signaling that your break time is active.

Managing your workday with TaskPilot is straightforward and effective. For more tips and insights, be sure to visit our guide.