Restore deleted items from the archive on TaskPilot with ease to keep your records up-to-date and accessible
Restoring deleted items from your Workflow archive on TaskPilot is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to return your archived items:
Log in to your TaskPilot account and go to the Workflow section. In the sidebar menu on the left, select Archive.
At the top of the Archive page, you will see tabs for different item types (Tasks, Projects, Products, Machines, Implements, Products Required). Click on the tab corresponding to the item you want to return. Each tab contains a list of archived items of that specific type. For example, if you want to restore a project, click on the Projects tab. Once you have selected the appropriate tab, browse through the list to find the specific item you wish to return. You can use filters or the search function to locate the item more quickly if the list is extensive.
Under the selected tab, locate the specific item you wish to return. Hover over the item's row to reveal the return icon on the right. Click the return icon, and a confirmation window will appear. Confirm that you want to return the record.
Returning deleted items from the archive on TaskPilot is simple, ensuring you can easily restore any necessary records. For more detailed instructions or to explore additional features, refer to our comprehensive guide. Happy managing!