How to Create an Invoice on TaskPilot

How to Create an Invoice on TaskPilot

Create, review, adjust, and finalize invoices on TaskPilot, ensuring all details are accurately captured for clients.

Creating an invoice on TaskPilot is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to generate an invoice for your client efficiently:

Navigate to the Invoicing Section 

Log in to your TaskPilot account, go to the sidebar menu on the left, click Dashboard, and select Invoicing from the dropdown. 

Create a New Invoice 

Click the "Create Invoice" button located at the top right corner of the Invoicing page. A modal will appear prompting you to fill in the necessary details:

  • Client: Choose the client for whom you are creating the invoice.
  • Division: Select the relevant division.
  • Project: Choose the specific project.
  • Date Range: Enter the specific dates for which you want to request the invoice, or tick the all-uninvoiced box option.

Once all the information is entered, click "Create." Your invoice will be generated based on the provided details.

Edit the Invoice

After the invoice has been generated, it will appear in the list of invoices. Hover over the invoice you want to modify and an edit icon will appear on the right side. Click this icon to enter edit mode. 

Review and Modify Invoice Details

In the invoice description section, you will see a list of completed tasks and the total amount due. For more detailed task information, hover over a specific task to reveal an information icon on the right side. Clicking this icon will open a modal with detailed information about the task, including a summary and a comprehensive breakdown of pricing, manpower, resources, and additional materials used. After reviewing and making any necessary adjustments, close the modal.

Add a discount and send the invoice

Below the task descriptions, you will find the sub-total price issued and a field to enter a discount percentage. Enter the discount percentage, and the total amount due will be recalculated automatically. Once you are satisfied with all the details, click the export button in the screen's top right corner. Finally, update the invoice status to Sent by selecting this option from the dropdown menu above the invoice number on the top left side. For more guidance on how to edit or delete invoice details, check out this article.

By following these steps, you can efficiently create, review, adjust, and finalize invoices on TaskPilot, ensuring that all necessary details are accurately captured and communicated to your clients.

For more detailed instructions and to explore additional features, refer to our comprehensive guide. Happy managing!